“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.“ Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Why develop High Potential leaders?
Today more than ever CEO’s cannot lead alone. They need a strong cross-hierarchical organizational leadership backbone, a community of high-potential leaders, in order to thrive in today’s competitive world.
Developing High-Potential leaders:
- Accelerates readiness to cope with future challenges.
- Ensures leadership bench strength and leadership continuity in key positions.
- Prepares leaders for their next-level role.
- Retains and attracts skilled and valuable leaders.
- Connects High Potential leaders to their responsibility as performance and leadership role models in the organization.
- Forms a network and community of strong leaders who can work together to create significant organizational shifts, influencing both culture and performance.
Our Approach to Talent Acceleration
We created the ‘Releasing Leadership Star Potential’ as a targeted program for High-Potential leaders at different organizational levels.
This comprehensive program includes 5 key complementary components:
To establish direct manager’s engagement in the HIPO leader’s growth process, we create a significant Individual Development Plan with the HIPO leader.
we offer a short Coaching Workshop to direct managers, to enhance their ability to effectively develop their HIPO leaders.
Mentees- HIPO leaders are matched with mentors from within and outside the organization, based on personal characteristics and developmental goals.
Mentors- to help develop HIPO leaders' capacity to develop the potential of others. They receive group training and personal support from peers and facilitators.
1:1 individual sessions with facilitators.
Structured and facilitated group sessions aligned with your organization’s goals and the HIPO leaders’ developmental needs. The course addresses fundamental issues in developing HIPOs, like leading disruption, leading innovation, role-modeling, the passion to lead, business acumen and system and strategic thinking.
In this part of the program HIPO leaders engage and lead organizational business focuses, by playing a leading role as strategy drivers through committees, open dialogues, hackathons and projects.
High-Potential leaders from all organizational levels.
*Selection criteria – based on the organization’s guidelines, processes and tools
- Accelerating growth in contending with complex next-level challenges.
- Being part of a community of High-Potential leaders.
- Receiving access and exposure to macro-level business issues and enhancing system level influence.
- Stretching leadership capacities and challenging personal comfort zone.
- Deepening awareness to personal core- identify the unique path and purpose and amplifying the passion to lead and make a difference.
- Strengthen the ability to dare and to lead change and disruption.
- Strengthens your leadership bench and retains key leaders
- Builds your organization’s resilience through a strong network of leaders
- Establishes a collaboration infrastructure among current and future leaders
- Creates a ripple effect of leadership growth and development
- Drives business impact and innovation
Through in-depth knowledge of your organization combined with processes and tools tailor-made to your organization’s needs and direction. |