Leadership without authority- the promise
The Institute for Quality Leadership
Leading without authority has become one of the key capabilities required in organizations today.
Why is that?
1. We all work in a very complex and disruptive world, which requires us all to be independent, adaptable, initiative and to create impact across our organizations. Within this context, more and more organizations replace structural hierarchies of authority with agile and network-based structures and mindsets. This transformation calls for individuals and teams to expand their influence magnitude.
2. The constant need for innovation and disruptive thinking requires new ways of influence, harnessing the power of many across organizational boundaries to create an overarching impact at all levels.
3. Career concept is shaken to its core, with millennials constantly on the move, wanting to leave their mark through diverse platforms. Retaining and developing the millennials as well as other key professionals is becoming a major challenge. Hence, enabling them to develop influence skills, is a win-win for them and for the organization.
Generating influence without authority
In the Institute of Quality Leadership, we have identified seven engines that accumulatively generate the power of influence without authority.
According to our model, the more engines you use, the stronger your influence will be. All the engines are not dependent on authority, thereby can be applied by all- THE LEADERSHIP ARENA IS NOW OPEN FOR ALL!
• Professional Brand & Credit (threshold) – establishing professional trust and credibility is the threshold for your voice to be heard and for others to be receptive to your impact and actively seek it.
• A sense of Internal Authority – the inner sense of freedom and self-confidence allows you to claim your place and enhance your presence.
• Responsibility to Influence (role perception) – research and our practical experience show that when people perceive influence as an inherent part of their role, and even more as their responsibility, they will be more likely to influence others effectively.
• Passion and Purpose – passion is a powerful engine. Being aware of your passion and purpose affects your energy and your endurance. Being driven by passion and purpose allows you to inspire others more easily and aligning them to the same cause.
• Relationships of Caring & Trust – We are more willing to be influenced by those whom we have meaningful relations with. Trust and caring are the basic building blocks for establishing meaningful relationships.
• High Connectivity (networks) - employees who can thrive in a rapidly changing environment are those who can map, manage and proactively expand their network. This valuable ability opens new doors for influence inside and outside the organization.
• Inspirational Role Model – inspirational role model is about inspiring others by being resilient, value-driven and authentic. Your personal brand enables and leverages your influence potential.
How to ignite and maximize the capacity of those influence engines?
1. Expanding the awareness regarding personal influence engines - evaluating the strengths, gaps, and next-step challenges.
2. Using the group platform as a playground for exercising influence - gaining awareness to personal impact through receiving feedback.
3. Encouraging experiential learning - the best way to attain real-life skills and exerting influence.
4. Acquiring specific mindsets and skillsets - leveraging each influence engine.